I’ve been concerned about the performance of my expensive Dorset ram, and the news is not getting better. He didn’t seem enthusiastic about breeding the 8 ewes assigned to him, and then when I combined his group with the Katahdins, Angus promptly bred 3 of his dorset ewes. The latest strike is this gal:

She has a blue mark on her butt from the dorset ram, one of the 4 he marked, but has now turned up with a red mark from Angus. I’m not sure if the dorset ram’s problem is fertility or logistics, but he’s not making a compelling case for his long-term tenure on the farm. Angus, on the other hand, is ruthlessly efficient. I’m looking forward to seeing what his lambs are like.
Tagged: blue butt, Dorset, ewe, failure, Katahdin, overmatched, ram, red butt, shooting blanks