I more or less knew what I was getting into when I brought a border collie pup into my life.  I was already living with Luc, a collie I adopted at 1 year old, but Cass, the puppy, still startles me.  Most dogs I know are relatively indifferent to the doings of humans if their interests are not directly affected, but Cass is concerned with the world in a much more catholic sense.  Her understanding of things that she should notice and study seems unbounded.  A few days ago on a jobsite where we’ve been spending a lot of time, Cass let me know that a Prius was parked in the driveway next door.  Previously, only a red pickup had used the driveway, so she barked at the newly-installed Prius until I acknowledged the change in the neighbor’s environmental policy.


Today, I had a fellow repairing the roof on my wood shed.  When we got home from our morning walk, he was already at work, and Cass ran over to watch him until I made her come inside.  She immediately ran to my bedroom upstairs so she could continue her observations:

Cass watching roofer at work

Cass watching roofer at work