I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I’ve been a little surprised to see family groups from the May lambing still hanging tight together.
I haven’t seen much nursing going on, but many of the May ewes still have reasonably full udders.
I plan to breed the ewes at the beginning of December, so I’ll soon need to separate the lambs from their mothers, some of whom are still pretty thin from pregnancy and lactation. Ideally I’d wean the lambs now, so the ewes would have most of 2 months to recover body condition, but I don’t have a good way to sort the flock while they’re on the road (Bill is trying to convince me that I need an Alligator.). I think the sheep have another 2 weeks of forage at the Woodbury place, so I plan to separate the lambs at my farm on our way to the next grazing spot. I’m hoping that gives the ewes enough time.
Tagged: body condition, ewe, family unit, Katahdin, lactation, lambs, udder, weaning