Warning: NSFW!
This is the first time I’ve been the primary human responsible during lambing season; not quite knowing what I’m doing puts a bit of an edge on. I also don’t have good information about when this batch of ewes is due to lamb (Christmas to the end of February was all I got). Consequently, I’ve been spending a lot of time staring at the back side of a brown ewe, the one who seems farthest along in cooking her lamb(s), in an effort to divine when she might go into labor. I thought it only fair to share this experience.
I was moderately worried that she might go today, while I was working in Boston, and spent the day trying not to imagine all the things that might go squirrely in my absence. I hunted around for her by headlamp this evening, and found her much as she was this morning. Whew. Must finish prepping the barn tomorrow!
Tagged: brown ewe, Hollow Oak Farm, lambing, NSFW, pregnant