The Dude arrives.
My newest ram was born in Petersburg Pennsylvania on Kathy Soder’s K Bar K Farm at the end of October last year, was transported to the Big Ohio Sheep Sale in Eaton Ohio last Wednesday, hitched a ride to Westmoreland New Hampshire with my friend Mike Wright (who sells sheep at the show), and came home to Sullivan this evening. He briefly got away from us as we were moving him from Mike’s trailer to my truck, so I don’t dare transfer him to the barn until I have help tomorrow morning.
He arrives with the hope that his genetics will make more twins, easier lambing, better mothers, and bigger lambs, all without any supplemental grain. The bet on the fancy ram doesn’t start to come due until some time next spring when his first lambs arrive, not the stuff of instant gratification, but better than T-bills.
Tagged: chase, Dorset, Eaton OH, escape, Hollow Oak Farm, K Bar K Farm, Kathy Soder, Mike Wright, Petersburg PA, ram, sheep, Westmoreland NH