Peter and Dott Miles used to have a big garden on part of the land where the sheep are now grazing, so there are some volunteer vegetable plants to test the flock’s gustatory preferences.  Generally, sheep don’t seem to like plants with strong flavors — my guys won’t touch the big patches of mint or lemon balm on my place — so I was curious to see what they’d do with the tall onions growing in the pasture.

onion grazing-1

Onions turn out to be perfectly acceptable sheep food, at least according to this gal.

onion grazing-2I noticed the small smell of raw onion in the air before I saw the plant stubs.  I wonder how much they would need to eat to bias the flavor of their meat.  Should I be concerned, or is this a niche market I could pursue?  Milton’s Pre-Flavored Lamb?  There’s a farmer in Spain who’s perfected this approach with foie gras, but I’m not sure if his method translates…